Sale: 531 / Rare Books, Nov. 28. 2022 in Hamburg Lot 128

Niccolò Tartaglia
La nova scienta inventa, 1537.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

(incl. surcharge)
Niccolo Tartaglia
La nova scientia. Venedig, Stefano Niccolini da Sabbio 1537.

Erste Ausgabe von Tartaglias erstem Werk. Behandelt Ballistik, Vermessung, Technik und Festungsbau.

"Gunnery and surveying were among the earliest of the practical arts to benefit from the application of mathematics .. Tartaglia skillfully treated this problem in dynamics and proved that the trajectory of a missile fired from a cannon would not be a straight line, as was then supposed" (Dibner).

EINBAND: Späterer Pappband. 4to. 22 : 15,5 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit zahlreichen Textholzschnitten (meist Diagrammen) und Holzschnitt-Druckermarke am Ende. - KOLLATION: 44 (st. 48) nn. Bll. - ZUSTAND: Fehlen der Titel, die Textbll. *4 und A1 und das weiße Bl. A4. - Etw. fingerfleckig und tls. leicht wasserrandig, vereinz. kl. Randläsuren, letztes Bl. verso mit Bleistift- und Rötel-Skizze von alter Hand (Porträt des Verfassers).

LITERATUR: Tomash & Williams T7. - BM STC, Italian Books S. 658. - Dibner, Heralds of Science 102. - Norman Coll. 201. - PMM 66.

First edition of Tartaglia's first printed work, devoted to ballistics, surveying, engineering and fortification. With numerous woodcut diagrams, some woodcut illustrations and woodcut printer's device at end. Later cardboards. 44 (of 48) leaves. Lacking title, *4, A1 and the blank A4. - Some fingerstaining and partly light waterstaining, here and there small marginal defects, last leaf verso with pencil sketch by old hand (portrait of Tartaglia).(R)

Niccolò Tartaglia
La nova scienta inventa, 1537.
€ 1,200 / $ 1,320
€ 1,250 / $ 1,375

(incl. surcharge)